티스토리 뷰


하루 일과 영어표현

신통방통맘 2024. 7. 8. 23:39



◈아침에 일어났을때.
1. Good morning. did you sleep well? (안녕 잘잤니?)
2. It's morning. It's time to get up
(아침이다. 이제일어나야지)
3. The sun is up. hurry and get up
(햇님이 벌써 떳어요. 어서 일어나세요)
4. How do you feel today? (오늘 기분은 어때?)
5. Okay, stretch hard. Let's do some morning exercises.
(자 힘차게 기지개 켜고. 아침체조하자)
6.I'll give you Good Morning massage.
(엄마가 아침마사지를 해줄께)
7. Stretch, stretch, you're getting taller!
(쭉쭉 키가큰다)
8. Bend your legs. Straighten them out.(굽혔다 폈다)
9. It's gonna be very sunny and hot, today
(오늘은 화창하고 더울것 같아)

10. Do you want some meal?(밥좀 먹을래?)
11. it's time for breakfast. come and eat.
(아침밥먹을 시간이다. 어서와서 먹어)
12. I'm fixing your breakfast.(엄마가 아침을 준비하고 있어)
13. you must be hungry. okay, let's eat it.
(배고프지? 자~ 먹자)
14. let's enjoy our meal. ( 자~ 맛있게 먹자)
15. It smells good. (맛있겠다)
16. slow down, kyu-young.(규영아 천천히 먹어)
17. chew it well. now, swallow it.(꼭꼭씹어먹어. 이제 꿀꺽 삼키고)
18. you ate it all up!!(다 먹었네~)
19. was that good? (잘먹었니?)
20. My baby is good eater.(우리아기 잘먹는구나)

◈출근하고 퇴근할때.
21. Daddy is going to work. so kiss him good bye.
(아빠출근하시니까 뽀뽀해드려)
22. Have a good day, kyu-young~(오늘하루도 잘지내)
23. Hello~ sweetie. How was your day?
(하루종일 잘지냈니?)
24. Did you have fun today?(오늘 즐거웠어?)
25. Yes it was fun.(즐거웠어요)
26. What did you do today?(오늘 뭐하고 놀았니?)
27. You learned that song today?
(오늘 그노래 배운거니?)
28. That's really interesting.(정말 재미있구나)
29. Why don't you sing that song for Daddy when he comes? (이따가 아빠가 오시면 다시 보여드리자)

30. honey, it's bath time.(자 목욕하자)
31. Let's take off your clothes. (옷을 벗자)
32. Let's take off your diaper too.(기저귀도 벗자)
33. (you should)brush your teeth before going to bed.
(자기전에 이닦아야지)
34. (you should)brush your teeth after eating each meal.
(밥먹고나서 이를 닦는거야.)
35. squeeze the toothpaste, and put it on the tooth brush. (자 치약을 짜서 칫솔에 묻히자)
36. let's brush your teeth completely clean.
(구석구석 깨끗이 닦자)
37. wow! your teeth are sparkling clean.
(와~이가 반짝반짝 빛나네~)
38. you've got some dirt on your face.
(얼굴에 지지가 묻었네)
39. (let's) go wash your face. (가서 세수하자)
40. let's wash your face with soap.(비누로 씻자)
41. let's get into the bathtub. (욕조로 들어가자)
42. (we should) wash your hair first. (머리먼저 감아야지)
43. let's wipe your face with the towel.
(타월로 물기를 잘 닦아야지)

44. let's get (you) dressed. (옷을입자)
45. where's kyu-young's face? (규영이 얼굴 어딨나?)
46. ta-da. here it is! (쨔잔~ 여기있네~)
47. in it goes. oh,where it is? (들어간다~. 어~ 어디갔지?)
48. ah, here it is (와~ 여기있다)
49. it looks good on you. you look nice.
(아주 잘 어울리는구나. 멋있어)
50. you did a good job. (아주 잘했어)

◈그림책을 읽어주면서
51. let's read a book. (엄마랑 책읽자)
52. What's the title of this book?
(이책의 제목이 뭐지?)
53. It's "snow man" (이책은 스노우맨이야)
54. Which one is the flower?(어떤게 꽃이지?)
55. Where is the flower?(꽃이 어딨어?)
56. Why is this child crying?
(이 아이는 왜 울고있을까?)
57. Let's go on the next page. (다음페이지를 보자)
58. All right we read the whole book.(자~ 다읽었다)
59. It was interesting wasn't it? (재미있었니?)

◈음악이나 노래를들을때.
60. Should we listen to some beautiful music?
(우리 아름다운 음악들을까?)
61. What song do you want to listen to?
(네가 듣고싶은 노래가 뭐니?)
62. I want to hear "teddy bear" (테디베어 듣고싶어요)
63. Okey, Let's listen to that. Wait a second.
(그래~ 그걸 들어보자. 잠시기다려)
64. Listen. This is the sound of a Piano.
(들어봐. 이건 피아노 소리야)
65. should we sing together?(같이 불러볼까?)
66. Let's dance to the music.(엄마랑 같이 춤추자)
67. Swing your hips like this.
(엉덩이를 이렇게 흔들어봐)

◈잠자리에 들때.
68. look out the window. it's dark out, isn't it?
(창밖을 봐. 컴컴해 졌지?)
69. the sun has gone to bed, too. (햇님도 잠자러 갔대)
70. it's time to go to bed. (이제모두 잠잘 시간이야)
71. I'll bring you some water.(엄마가 물갖다 줄께)
72. Have you had enough? (다 마셨니?)
73. Then let's go back to sleep. (이제 자자)
74. Come here. I'll hold you. (엄마가 안아줄께)
75. sleep well, sweetheart. sweet dream.
(잘자라 아가야, 좋은꿈꾸고~)
76. I'll give you a goodnight kiss.
(잠잘자게 엄마가 뽀뽀해줄께)  
